The latest issue of the iconic Time magazine has dubbed Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as an 'underachiever'. It defines this title by saying that he is unwilling to stick his neck out on reforms that can put the country back on the growth path.
Such scathing words for a man who marked a 9.6 per cent growth in his very first tenure! One might also remember the pivotal role played by him in the country's liberalisation process......
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has, indeed, shown a countenance of equanimity in the face of consistent criticism about whether he is up to the most important job or not. But before we reach a conclusion on that, one has to account for the huge problems that came his way after his initial successful innings - the slowdown in economic growth, the huge fiscal deficit and a falling rupee - were these miniscule in any degree?
One can go two ways when called a non-achiever. Continue to plod on, be immune to the criticism, and put on a brave face. Or, examine what went wrong, have the courage to look in the mirror, and correct any existing faults.
He must transform himself if it is the good of the nation. Such poise and calmness as he displays when the world is raging all around, is a sign of weakness rather than strength.
The title on the cover also says in a smaller print: India needs a reboot'. Perhaps, Singh will do well to reboot himself, inspired by Arjuna's example from theBhagavad Gita, that faced with dilemmas, one need not despair, but only reinvent oneself.