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Aunty's Competition With Hema Malini

Aging with grace’…this is something stars in Indian cinema don’t know. Of course there are exceptions but if you look on an average, most of them keep doing all sorts of things just to look young. And this is high among the actress circuit. And one lady who is struggling to do that is Sridevi.

On the contrary, someone like Hema Malini has got a very good and elegant image despite her age and many still call her beautiful. But that has not been the case with Sridevi and the reason for that is her desperate attempt to look young like Hema. It is heard that recently Sridevi went through a botox injection session.

Despite touching 50, the craving of looking young is making her doing awkward things, feel many. For instance, the promotion of her comeback movie ‘English Vinglish’ is on and she plays the role of a housewife but for the events Sri is coming in ultra glam outfits. Is this necessary? Hema Malini carries her age with grace and knows how to present herself but unfortunately this is something Sridevi is not able to comprehend.