On the spiritual path, one is always advised to practice the art of selflessness. To put another's needs above one's own. But God has created a mother such that she embodies these qualities effortlessly. She is always there for her children. She will forego sleep if her child is sick. She will get up at midnight if her child is hungry. She will sign a cheque to enable her child to pursue any hobby. She will even put a promising career on hold if it is her kids who need her more. And if there's not enough pizza, she will declare that she doesn't care for it.
In big things and small, she is always there and her kids are the centre of her Universe. And her role doesn't end after her children have grown up. She's there forever as a source of emotional refuge, a source of financial support, a friend in every weather.
No wonder, Mother's Day is such a big thing in the US. That workaholic country comes to a standstill on Mother's Day. There's nothing more important to Americans than remembering to thank their mother.
Let me quote some wonderful thoughts to rekindle your memories about your mothers:
Mother: That was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries ~ T DeWitt Talmage
Women know the way to rear up children (to be just)
They know a simple, merry, tender knack
Of tying sashes, fitting baby shoes,
And stringing pretty words that make no sense,
And kissing full sense into empty words.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
All mothers are working mothers ~ Anonymous
Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother ~Oprah Winfrey
Mother's Day is long gone, but today being my Mother's birthday, I send you, Amma, a blog full of loving thoughts. Hope it's as fragrant as a bouquet filled with wild flowers from the forest...